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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Saving Your Marriage or Making It Even Better!

Part I: Understanding Personality Types Is a Very Effective Method of Saving a Marriage According To National and International Expert Dr. Allen McCray

Marriage, even in the best of circumstances, can be very trying for a couple and those intimately involved with them.   The evolution and growth within each spouse’s personality type continues to grow independently and in relationship to the other spouse.  As well, the marriage continues to move through a growth cycle of its own.
A couple who may appear to have the perfect marriage to others because of their time together, laughter, and enjoyment of each other, may well have something happen in their marriage that threatens the very core of their vows to each other.  Stress, whether it manifests internally in the marriage or is the result of an external force, can create breakdowns in communication that, many times, results in inaccurate assumptions about the other partner’s emotional needs, thoughts, and actions.  Many times stress causes a reversion to ‘safety zone’ behaviors determined by the person’s personality type.  This is when knowing your personality type and the personality type of your spouse becomes extremely important.  A lack of awareness of your personality type or that of your spouse will result in a larger breach in communication and understanding each other as the stress levels in the marriage increase because now the initial stress is causing a secondary stress of dissatisfaction between the spouses.
A couple who is truly committed to each other and their marriage will do anything to salvage what they once had after they recognize what is occurring.  Many will try traditional marriage counseling or marriage retreats to no avail.  Suddenly, they are facing a decision they never intended on even entertaining.  Suddenly, they are considering divorce.  A large percentage of couples that desperately seek ‘just one more method’ and find a therapist or coach, such as Dr. Allen McCray who is capable of assisting them in discovering their personality types, discover they can re-establish the integrity of their marriage.  Through the discovery of the personality types each spouse brings to the marriage, they find a refreshed and more accurate understanding of each other.  The secondary stress of dissatisfaction between the spouses’ begins to decline drastically and they begin dealing with the initial stress as a team, once again.   
Understanding your personality type and the personality type of your spouse facilitates the re-building of the marital relationship in a more intimate manner.  This course of action has proven to be effective for thousands of couples.  These couples have found that prior to discovering their personality types, even during the best of times as a couple, neither had the emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical intimacy they have after they discover their personality types.
For more information about Dr. Allen McCray or this type of approach, go to


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